Aiden Vaughan 0-80
Aiden Vaughan 80-100
Sean-nós & Set Dance with Maldon
Specializing in easy to follow step by step instruction for all levels
Current live class offerings.
Aiden Vaughan 0-80
Aiden Vaughan 80-100
My 3 month goal (90 day goal) to create dance steps. My adution goal is to create steps to one tune a week. I am going to use the Album Brightly or Darkly by Nathan Gourley & Laura Feddersen. I am going record some of my improvisaional session and then once I have a step that I can repeate on right and left side I will record a woodshed session with that step.
I will track my time and get a since of how much time it takes me to create these steps. And adjust my goal from there.
Goal Setting, Dreaming & Mindset Coaching
I have been studying life coaching, mindset coaching and goal setting for the last 6 years. It is one of the things that has helped me though my cancer treatment and I am excited to share what I have learned with you. When I ask my students what their biggest struggle with dance is the response I usually get is practicing or building a habit of practicing. We are going to explore goal setting, keeping motivation going, practicing and dreaming big together.
Fridays 7:30 AM
This first week we will make a best moments list, a looking forward to list and a massive goals list. These are lists that the writer and speaker Jon Acuff uses in his books. They have really helped me get into the right mindset for inspiration and motivation. Here are my lists if you want to see them. I currently keep a journal in my bedroom and will sit down here and there and add to my best moments list. I am finding that I add something most days and it brings me gratitude, hope, inspiration and joy. If fact my best moments list is on my looking forward to list!
Homework – test one of your goals for a week.
Notice what helps you with this goal and as we continue over the weeks. What helps me most is having a time and place in my calendar for that goal, accountability with others, being kind to myself and having a range of what it means to work towards this goal.
Sound track’s “Our dreams are all unique but our doubts are all the same.” Jon Acuff
This week pick a goal for the month. Dump the things you need to do for that goal.
What can you do in the next 3 days that will make the next 3 weeks better?
What can you do in the next 3 days that will make the next 3 months better?
Sean-nós Dance – jigs (week 1-5)
The first 5 weeks of course welcomes focuses on dancing in jig time. The last 3 weeks of the course focuses on Reels, keeping the jig steps alive and building up speed & endurance.
Sean-nós Dance – reels (week 6-8)
Mondays & Wednesdays 7:30 AM
Advance & Retire – Right / Left
Advance & Retire – Right / Left
Woodsheding all three steps and working on transitioning between steps.
Edith was asking a quesiton about learn the dance step by ear – I realized what I was trying to say learn with by ear in regards to dance is learning the step by ear and eyes in time with the music, rather than me breaking down the step slowly with words or movements and no music. Just listening to a dancers step and the reproducing the sounds in your own way.
Monday, Wednesday and Fridays
8:30 AM PST | 9:30 PM MST | 10:30 AM CST | 11:30 AM EST | 12:30 PM ADT | 4:30 PM GMT on ZOOM
Hosted by Kathy Fletcher
Room to open 15 minutes early and close 15 minutes after the official end time.
Elevate your practice routine with Open Studio! Join artists, dancers, crafters, and musicians for free weekly practice sessions that boost accountability. From Monday, Wednesday and Friday each week, sharpen your skills and receive peer support in a non-judgmental environment. The encouraging community at Open Studio will inspire you to excel in your craft. Struggling to stay motivated? All are welcome, and it’s entirely free.
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Passcode: 720099