Classes, In-Person

Fiddle, Harp & Feet Workshop #2


Fiddle, Harp & Feet Workshop #2

February 24, 6:30-8:30 pm

Maldon’s studio (2400 NE Alberta St. Upstairs! Look for sandwich boards to find back entrance)

$20 (payable at class, but please pre-register): cash, check or Venmo




Frist two steps broken down and strenth warm up

Below is a video of Michael and Céline Tubridy dancing the Priest in His Boots. Maldon learned this dance from Ben Power, who learned if from James Keane of Co. Clare. James’ version is slighly differnt. James version is “crooked” meaning that when he danced the musician played the tune AA/BB/AA/B/AA/BB and James dance the steps that way. Michael and Céline Tubridy dance it straight AA/BB format. Michael learned the dance from Dan Furry and Michael took the liberity of straightening out the steps/tune. James and Dan danced together.

James Keane’s or Dan Furry version – Ben Power’s students dancing The Priest in His Boots and Ben play the tune on flute with his flute students. Notice the B the second time through the tune is only played once, this is because the step they are dancing is only a 4 bar step repeat on each side to make 8 bars. In Michael and Céline Tubridy version they combine the two steps so that it is semtrical and you have a 16 bar step that is repeated on both sides.

Link to PDF book – Priest in His Boots is on page 3 after the forward. This book is avaialbe free to view on the internet. It is a great resouce for dancers and musicians. Michael has included the sheet music for the tunes as well as the dances written out in his dance notation.

Nearding out – if you want to neard out on this dance here is my full playlist.
