Classes, Current Classes, Current Event

Mon-Fri | Open Studio | 8:30am PST

8:30am PST | 9:30am MST | 10:30am CST | 11:30pm EST | 12:30pm ADT | 1:30pm GMT on ZOOM

Hosted by Kathy Fletcher

Room to open 15 minutes early and close 15 minutes after the official end time.

Elevate your practice routine with Open Studio! Join artists, dancers, crafters, and musicians for free weekly practice sessions that boost accountability. From Monday to Friday each week, sharpen your skills and receive peer support in a non-judgmental environment. The encouraging community at Open Studio will inspire you to excel in your craft. Struggling to stay motivated? All are welcome, and it’s entirely free.

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 964 3430 3782
Passcode: 720099