Welcome! A blog for percussive dance and folks traditions. You will find pubic material, lessons, tips, trick and hacks as well as tea time talks. We cover the gamut from how to teach dance to how to play for dancers. Also included are free lessons in Irish dance, Set dance and old-style step dance. I hope you enjoy.
- Goal Setting with baby steps
- Week 1 | Step of the Week | Connemara Step
- Discover the dance trick that will blow your mind
- 5 Easy Tips for Memorizing Irish Set Dances
- Take your feet on a musical journey
- 8:30 AM | M W F | Open Studio
- 2023 Feb 25th | Last Saturday Céilí | Betsy Branch
- 3-10-23 | 7pm | CVS Ceili
- Nov. 26th | 4pm | Annual Butterball
- 10-29-22 | Rambling House